5 Things You Need To Know About Event Organizers

At events you see the volunteers, the hosts and the guests, the rare, majestic creature that you may get a brief glimpse of is the Event Organiser. The person who orchestrated the hum of the audience while simultaneously situating the speakers. It is rare to sight these unicorns at events. However, if you do spot one, it will be a brief encounter, that will more than likely end in a smile and an enthusiastic “Enjoy the event!”.

Here are the 5 things you need to know about the social sorcerers behind events:

1- They’ve Been Awake Longer Than You 

giphyDon’t even TRY to compete with event professionals, they’re crazy, they’re motivated and most of them are part robot! They move fast and mentally they’re 10 steps ahead at all times, so believe us when we say, they woke up before you (and probably went to bed after you).

2- They Have Bionic Senses 

200_sEvent organisers have a crazy ability to sense when something is wrong (or could go wrong). Almost out of ice? They know – they’ve called a bar back to grab more for you. Cash Float running low? They show up just in time with a flush pile of 1s, 5s and 10s. Need to secure something? Here they are, right behind you with Tape, Cable Ties, Rope and Staple Guns? What do you need?  They know all, they have all.

3- They Have All The Patience In The World – For Nice People

GIF-Rude-PeopleIf you’re not rude, obnoxious or doing something illegal at the event, they like you and they will help you with anything you need. Politeness goes a long way in the event community, especially if you’re having an issue. They will bend over backwards to make sure your event experience is a great one.

4- They Have The Strength and Stamina of Olympic Athletes – On Event Day 


When they have to move, event professionals will MOVE. On event day there is no such thing as sore feet, no bad backs, no tired eyes, there is only the event and what needs to be done to make the event phenomenal. Did we mention that event organisers are basically robots?

5 – They Are There To Help 

Event organisers, at the end of the day are there so you and your attendees can enjoy your event. They’re on site and ready to make the day perfect (or as close to perfect as a day can get). Lean on them, if you see something going wrong, or have an issue, take it up with them, this is what they do.

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