That’s A Wrap: Learning From Your Event

Events are like exams, sometimes you just could have done better. Here’s how you break down the whirlwind that is your event and take the lessons learned to make a bigger & better event!

Look at the Photos

Have an event photographer (or someone with a phone) take general set up photos of your event. Make sure to get photo documentation of anything that may have gone wrong at the event as well. Photos serve as a good visual reminder of what worked and what didn’t. You can also work out layout issues by looking back at set-up photos.

Get Feedback

Talk to the suppliers, and do a little bit of basic Market Research to see how your event was received overall. Reach out to attendees, suppliers, volunteers and sponsors to see how they felt the event went. Always be willing to take ALL feedback from everyone (good AND BAD). You can assess the value of that feedback later, but it is important to listen to and encourage honest and frank feedback, especially if it is a new event. You cannot improve your event without input from all participants from all avenues.

Wrap Up Meeting (Debrief)

A wrap up meeting is a big part of any event. Though not as fun as a wrap up party, the wrap up meeting sets the tone for the next event. It gives you time to discuss what worked, what didn’t, the areas that need work and potential ideas for growth of the event. Wrap up meetings should always be recorded or have notes taken. Think of the wrap up meeting as a performance review for you and your team. 


If this was the first event of many more to come, make sure you have records of everything, from top to bottom: bills, rental agreements, receipts, contracts, EVERYTHING. With this list and all other information from the feedback, photos and wrap up meetings, you can create a To-Do list for the event for next year.

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