5 Ways to Put Your Best Advertising Foot Forward 

Advertising, like the size of smartphones, has changed and gotten bigger in ways that no one could have imagined. In the ever-changing landscape of social media, radio, print and television advertising it can be hard to stay ahead of the game and keep your brand in the (right) spotlight.

So, listen up, here’s what you do:

1 – Reach your desired audience

Find out through Market Research and internal goals, who your target audience is and then… target them! It seems pretty straight forward, but you’d be surprised how much time and money is wasted advertising on an inaccurate audience. Making sure your message reaches the desired audience is extremely important.

2 – Mix it up

Ever wonder why people don’t eat the same food for every meal? Because it’s BORING! Though your company’s jingle may be catchy and your Facebook ad shared multiple times, there will come a time when the novelty will expire. Be ready and willing to switch things up when you feel the inevitable ad fatigue set it. Using more than one platform with varied ad strategies is a great way to maximize exposure and not exhaust your audience.


3 – Strategize, Strategize, Strategize

Fail to Prepare, then prepare to fail! This old adage can be applied to so many areas of communications. When it comes to advertising, having a strong strategy in place will allow you to set target goals and meet them. Even if a strategy doesn’t pan out the exact way you hoped, you can still use it as foundation to improve upon.


4 – Make some Noise

Staying in your lane is great for Olympic sprinters, but with advertising it pays to be bold and push the boundaries. Having fun with your ad campaigns is not only enjoyable for your audience, but for you as well.


5 – Stay Within Your Budget

It’s tempting to go with the biggest and brightest option when advertising. However, sometimes you have to save money to make money. Staying within your budget is always good for business, especially if you’re an outsourced company. Sticking to a budget and getting creative using that budget will definitely keep your clients happy

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