10 Ways to Keep Your Sponsors Happy 

Sponsors are the necessary evil and the all-encompassing good at any event. They can be heaven or hell, good or bad, easy or difficult, but they are always there. There’s no other way to say it: SPONSORS ARE IMPORTANT!  Keeping them happy is the key to having them sign on for future events.

Struggling with pleasing your sponsors, try some of these:

  1. Build Relationships
    Sponsors are people too! Do they look like an ATM? Do you think money grows on trees? [insert other cliché mom saying here] Your sponsors are your mom, your dad and your judge-y aunt. But they can also be your best friend. Share information about your event with your sponsors, let them in on mutually beneficial decisions and ask for their input on aspects of the event. The best way to keep someone around is keeping them involved.
  2. Stick to the Contract
    A sponsor is a business partner, for the event you are working on together. You both made promises and keeping those promises is a great way to lay the groundwork for a lasting sponsor-event relationship. Everything you promise a client, make sure you deliver.
  3. Show It
    After you deliver everything you promised, show your clients. Reports, data analysis or attendee feedback are great ways to keep sponsors informed on the progress of your event and how their brand was received.
  4. Give them extra attention on event day
    Make sure your sponsors have a good time at the event. Let them know everything going on with the event. Remind them of special privileges or perks they get from being a sponsor and do all you can to see that they are able to take advantage of those bonuses.
  5. Go the extra mile
    Anything your sponsors need, especially the big sponsors, keep them smiling. Make sure your sponsors have a consistent person as a point of contact. This is the person they call for their every question, qualm or query.
  6. Say Their Name, Say Their Name
    Shout them out! Give them the recognition they deserve. When you can, mention them on social media, radio and TV coverage. Including a social media section in your contract is a great way to mention them publicly when talking about the event.
  7. Photos (Sponsors LOVE Photos)
    Photo-ops are everywhere at events. Make sure to grab photos of signage, sponsors interacting with event attendees and sponsors enjoying themselves at the event. Include these in your wrap-up meetings and press releases and sponsors will be smiling long after their photos are taken.
  8. Stay Organized
    Staying on top of every aspect of the event will earn you a great deal of respect from your sponsors. Knowing the ins and outs of your event doesn’t only make you a great organizer, but a reliable partner for future events. An organized event makes for super happy sponsors.
  9. Deliver Everything You Promised
    Read the contract, re-read it and then read it again. Make sure every part of your agreement has been completed to the highest standard. Sponsors who get exactly what they’re paying for are more likely to contribute to your event again.
  10. Thank Them Publicly and Individually, if possible
    Gratitude is one of the best gifts that you can give a sponsor. Show them that their contribution mattered and is [very] valued and they will return. Thanking them publicly, on various media outlets (including social media) post-event is a great way to gain residual promotion and awareness.

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