5 Signs You Need to Hire a Social Media Manager

Sometimes you just need a little extra help, a spare pair of hands to tweet with while you frantically type up press releases. These are the five signs that you may need someone on the side to help you with the social media side of life.

– You Don’t Have Time to Post Daily

Times are busy and you are probably busier, with, you know, running your own company. You don’t have time to tweet, blog and revine. But, sometimes, you need to! Bring someone on. Most large companies put social media in the hands of the seasonal interns, which is smart. When given the right tools, young people are creative and innovative with content, but they need to be supervised. This is where a SM Manager comes in, to manage their creativity.

2 – You Don’t Know How to Post

You love to share and retweet but you’re not sure how to do it for your business. Sure, your family loves that video of dogs you shared on their wall, but will your clients -of COURSE! Who doesn’t love dogs? But the point is: is the content you’re posting helping or hindering you reaching your audience with your business motives? A SM Manager can develop content that is both interesting and informative to your audience.

3 – Your posts aren’t reaching many people

You have the content, your advertising team is awesome, but not exactly tech savvy. Your posts fall flat with no likes and no shares. Hire someone who knows the correct way to use a hashtag and promote your company to the right audience.

4 – Your Posts Are Getting the Wrong Type of Attention

You’re getting shares, reposts, retweets and comments up the wazoo, but they’re all spam, negative or critical. Not all press is good press, especially when the online community is calling for action or change within your company. Bringing someone on who is not heavily invested or who won’t get their feelings hurt by the mean comments is the best course in this solution. And then take a look at our Remedy for Social Media Faux Pas.

5 – You’re Content Starved

Ahh, the social media version of “but I have nothing to WEARRRRRRRR”! This is when you feel like you’ve exhausted all of your current content with past posts. Now is the time to bring in someone with fresh eyes, who can look at everything you have to offer and come up with a new game plan to intrigue and engage.

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