Social Media Faux Pas: 3 Steps to Recovery 

Not everyone can always be on our Ps and Qs 100% of the time on the internet (even if you try, HARD). There may be that one flub or fumble in your social media postings that will catch you off guard and leave you subject to internet outrage (which we all know is NOT fun). giphy (6)

Have no fear, we have three effective Band-Aids for your social boo-boo:

1 – Reissue your original statement with corrections

First and foremost, if something is released with inaccuracies, release the corrected version, adding a date of correction and if necessary, specify what areas were corrected and why. Transparency is key, especially in the case of a misprint.

2 – Apologize if necessary

If a post, press release or article is offensive in anyway or is misaligned with the views and practices of your company and brand, then step up and apologize. Though some see apologies as an admission of guilt (spoiler: it is), if you are guilty of being offensive, rude or inappropriate, then guess what, it’s time to grab your knife and fork and eat a big plate of crow. Your followers will respect you for it.

3 – Keep an open dialogue with your audience.

Even the biggest companies need to be reachable to their followers. Have someone in your company dedicated to responding on various social media platforms. It is also handy to have a set of guidelines for that person to use when interacting with your audience or answering any questions/complaints. As always, consistency is key. Nothing makes a user sigh with frustration more than their question going unnoticed while other questions get answered. Having a transparent dialogue with users can be used as a quick way to clear the air (and creates great FAQs for your website).

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