Market Research: 3 Ways to Learn What Your Audience Thinks of You

How can you grow your brand and keep your customers happy? Get to know them.

Market Research is a great way to improve performance and gauge your current company climate. These are the top 3 methods that we at KHL use as a foundation to elevate performance and reputation.

1 – Online Surveysgiphy (4)
Anonymous online surveys are all the rage nowadays. Events, companies, websites all prompt their users to fill out a “short survey” or “rate our service”. This is not only a great way to build a solid public reputation, but an effective way to gather feedback on what is (and isn’t) working for you.

2- Social Mediagiphy (5)
Open the metaphorical floor on your social media avenues, put out polls on twitter, open your Facebook or Tumblr up for an “ask me” hour every week. Engage with your audience on social media and they are sure to respond openly and  (a little too) honestly.

3 – Ask the Client916dd00a85f3be124842ea7dc88711a2a70dbd849d141bc8a13f82b86994dc54_medium_animated
Give your clients a report card to fill out. Though similar to a survey, this feedback form has a more personal approach. Ask your client to rate your performance in certain areas and offer feedback on aspects that they feel have room for improvement. This shows them that you value their input and care about improving your service.

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