Using Social Media to your Advantage: Taking the Keyboard Road to Viral-Land

“OMG, I have to tweet this” “Did you see that on Facebook?”
“I found this really helpful post on Tumblr.”
“That Youtube video was amazing.”

Welcome to the 20-teens, where the way we exchange information, gain knowledge and interact with others is predominantly behind some form of screen. The launch and expansion of social media has created an information sharing bubble, where we get our news from our timelines and our recipes from tutorial videos. Though there are those who still cling to pen and paper, we in the communications industry have embraced this technological riptide and are going to ride it until we land in viral-land.

What is “Viral-Land”?


At KHL, we describe Viral-Land as this magical kingdom where your content reigns supreme. In Viral-Land, everyone is sharing your posts, reblogging your editorials and tweeting your photos. In Viral-Land, your name is mentioned hundreds or thousands of times daily. In Viral-Land, your opinion is always heard.

How do we get to Viral-Land?

Other than having a child that sings like Adele or a cat that can walk in high-heels, it’s a tough road to get to Viral-Land overnight. But it is a road that you can navigate, over time, with the help of a Scarecrow, a Tin-Man and a Cowardly Lion.

First you need the Scarecrow, complete with a brain.


The Scarecrow is content. Every successful Viral-Land inhabitant has a brain trust filled to the brim with content they want to share, or at least a small group of flying monkeys that are able to soar over the web and find or develop content to go on that magical journey to Viral-Land.

Second up, you need your heart-filled Tin-Man, complete with the adoration of your content.

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Your Tin-Man needs to be able to take your subject, fill it with heart and let it loose. Adding heart to your content is more difficult than it sounds. Heart = relate to your audience. Using the Tin-Man to manipulate content, making it pull at your audience’s curiosity, drawing them in and dragging them down the yellow brick road to Viral-Land with you. A good Tin-Man will always know what is hip, trending and popular with the youth (and masses) at the moment.

Last up is your Cowardly Lion, rapt with courage.


Wind him up and watch him go (Let me at ‘em, let me at ‘em!). Your (not-so) Cowardly Lion has to be ready to post, tweet, promote and interact with similar content creators. Your Cowardly Lion is your mouth piece, your fingers flying across the keyboard. Your Cowardly Lion is your hype man at your half empty stadium, getting the masses riled up and texting their friends “hey! Hey! YOU’RE MISSING THIS!” A great Cowardly Lion isn’t afraid to get your information out there.

Once you have reached the Promised Viral-Land, you have to maintain it. Put on your big green head, and become the Viral King. Using the three Cs to keep you on top: content, creativity and consistency. And always keep your Tin-Man, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion close.

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Happy Posting!

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