5 Events Sponsors May Avoid Supporting

Sponsors can be very picky, especially when considering a large sponsorship for an event.

Check out our list of events that sponsors will put on their “no thank you” list.

1 – Illegal Events

Events that lean towards the “we’ll deal with it later”, events that have no permits, events that don’t have zoning or liquor licenses. These events often get a “no” from potential sponsors. The best way to guarantee sponsorship is to make sure everything is legit (too legit to quit, even). Get those permits, get those liquor licenses, even give neighboring homes or apartments a heads up to limit noise or crowd complaints.

2 -Events with a No-Go Reputation

If your event has a bad reputation (unsavory crowd, sketchy neighborhoods or a negative smudge on the event’s history) then that sends an immediate red flag to sponsors. You have to get inside a sponsor’s head, think “would I put my name on this event proudly?” or “would I stake my reputation on this event?” before approaching sponsors. Showing a change in management, venue or event execution is a plus when trying to re-vamp or re-brand an event’s reputation.

3 – Events that they have been involved with before (and hated)

The fastest way to lose a sponsor (and many potential sponsors by proxy) is to have an event flop or have sponsors not have an enjoyable time. Always make sure your sponsors are happy (within reason). Make sure each sponsor receives everything you promised them. From swag to product placement, always deliver; it shows that you follow through and care about your sponsors (See our article here on how to keep your spoinsors happy). No sponsor wants to be ignored or feel unappreciated: show them some love! Another reason sponsors won’t return is if the event was under-attended or not what they expected. Sponsors want to invest in events because it creates a brand awareness. The best way to keep sponsors and gain sponsors is to throw a well-organized, kick ass event they (and you) can be proud of.

4 – Events with a shady side

When money disappears or expectations aren’t met, sponsors are the first to ask “where did that money go?” Always be transparent, keep track of invoices, paperwork and alert sponsors to any major changes in the event. Being open and honest with sponsors is a great way to keep them coming back. No one likes secrets, especially when investing services or money is involved.

5 – Wing-It Events

Flying by the seat of your pants is NEVER a good look when event planning. Run order, schedule and event timing should be checked, double checked and then triple checked. Obviously in the event world, timing can’t always be perfect, but when nothing goes on time or according to plan, sponsors will take note. Especially when food is involved. Serve meals on time, start performances punctually and never keep an audience waiting in silence. Always make a plan and stick to it.

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